Psalm 4

Before you continue reading, read through Psalm 4 and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal a new truth to you today.

Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness!
You have relieved me in my distress;
Have mercy on me, and hear my prayer.

Psalm 4:1
As I begin reading Psalm 4 today, I immediately connected to David’s heart. During the last few weeks as we have lived with COVID-19, I have had a wave of emotions…and distress has been one of them. Distressed at not being able to do “normal” life, not being able to be with my friends, distressed when my son goes out (of the house) to work, hearing of those with this virus and those that have succumbed to it, distressed hearing of those that have been laid off, the lack of essentials, the lack of life saving equipment, our overwhelmed men and women on the frontline…and the list could go on and on. Life has been distressing.

BUT David teaches us all a great lesson in this Psalm. Despite all of the distress, we can talk to God and know that HE HEARS US (v3)! However, there is a condition to the LORD hearing us and David opens with it: “…WHEN I CALL."  It is a call - a petition - to God our Savior and it is in that relationship that He hears us. He alone, even in social distancing, is near!

He alone is the One to answer our call as our:
  • Friend (John 15:15)
  • Helper (John 14:16-18)
  • Comforter (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)
  • Shield (Psalm 28)
  • Shepherd (Psalm 23)
  • Rock (Psalm 62, Acts 4:12) 
He alone is able to save!

Today, as you read through this Psalm and reflect on David’s cry:
  1. Let’s be like David. Be vulnerable and desperately cry out for help and relief.
  2. Remember God’s character. Write down who God reveals Himself as to you.
  3. Put your trust and hope in Him alone. Write down what you will surrender to Him in order that you might trust Him.
  4. Be still and worship today, remembering you can call upon Him: listen to  I Will Call Upon The Name of The Lord and meditate on God's Word today.

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