Day 4

38 Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”

Jesus’ position on the boat is not at the helm leading the way. Instead, it is at the back of the boat. Nor is He awake giving orders to the disciples on how to maneuver this ordeal. He’s also not miraculously commanding this situation to “calm down.” Instead, Jesus is at rest and is sleeping "on a cushion." He is at peace and comfort although the conditions around Him look very bad and should merit a ‘stronger’ response.

Today’s Guided Prayers:
  1. Welcome God to come in this time and begin by expressing gratitude, praise and worship!
  2. When you read about Jesus’ sleeping and restful approach to this storm, what emotions or thoughts concerning His attitude come to mind? Write down your answers.
  3. In prayer, ask Jesus this question, “Jesus, what is your posture and attitude towards the ‘storms’ in my life, in the world, in my friends/family life, etc..?" Whatever answers, verses, etc.. come to mind, write them down. Also, note down what emotions/thoughts come up in “light” of His response to you. You can be happy, sad, frustrated, disappointed-- there are no “wrong or right” answers. 
  4. Jesus’ disciples boldly wake Him up to "question" His motive and love for them, saying, "Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?" This storm reveals in the Disciples' lives the places they still question Jesus’ heart for them. Sometimes the storms of life reveal the places where we question and struggle to trust Christ. However, the Disciples are still bold enough to step into the discomfort of not having a “perfect” response to this storm. Today in prayer, be bold and ask God any questions or concerns that the current or previous storms of your life are bringing up. 
  5. Listen to “King of My Heart” by Bethel Music. As you meditate on Jesus’ position in the boat,  ask the Lord to reveal to you where He is right now in the midst of your storm. Remember that His ways are good, that He will never let us down, and that He is holding onto us through the night. 
  6.  Today’s VBS Theme and Verse: Jesus’ power lets us live forever. Key verse: Romans 8:11. Pray for salvation for those who do not know or follow Jesus! Pray for wisdom and boldness for the leaders as they answer questions and lead children towards Christ. 

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